problem down under

Australian Sex Research Reveals…

What’s REALLY happening “Down Under” and causing limp sexual performance!

95,000 Australian men BARE ALL — and expose disturbing discovery of why your “soldier” is no longer saluting!

Dear Friend,

93% is a scary number. But that’s what researchers recently discovered in a large Australian study.

The researchers suspected that trouble getting and keeping an erection are a sign of worsening cardiovascular function. But they needed rock, solid proof. And boy oh boy did they get it!

The scientific team studied 95,038 Australian men over the age of 45. They reviewed key markers for cardiovascular problems — including…

Then, the researchers followed the men for 6 months — keeping track of doctor visits… illnesses… and hospital stays.

By the end of the study — the researchers made a startling discovery:

Erectile problems shot up the risk of having a heart attack to a whopping 66%! But it gets worse…

…they also skyrocket the risk of dying from ANY illness to an astronomical 93%!

That’s right — a 93% greater chance of DYING from brain… heart… lung problems!

In other words — that soft erection can put you in the grave MUCH faster than guys who are getting it up in the bedroom!

But seriously, this risk is so great — a team of 23 doctors from research centers such as Boston University School of Medicine and University of Southern California issued a warning printed in the American Journal of Medicine boldly stating:

“If you can’t get it up — GET A CHECKUP!”

OK — so the doctors may have said it a little more scientifically — but the message was clear and direct! And they stressed the importance of taking action immediately.

So what do you do?

My name is Virginia Tims-Lawson, Founder of Peak Pure & Natural® — leaders in cutting edge nutritional therapies. And I’m going to show you the #1 action you can take NOW!

Virginia Tims Lawson

It’s a simple remedy with ingredients backed by numerous scientific research — that can help…

…to get healthy blood to every cell in your body!

And I mean everywhere — from your brain… to your heart… your feet and hands — and of course your penis!

With a healthy boost in circulation — you get revitalized blood whether you’re busy playing golf — or getting busy in the bedroom.

And please know this…

No prescription required!

You don’t need a doctor visit. No prescription necessary. And you definitely won’t have to deal with dangerous side effects!

So how does something so simple work so well? By tackling the 4 main causes of poor circulation:

And you’ve got to start with the plaque that’s clogging your arteries and disrupting blood flow. But please know this:

Nearly everyone has clogged arteries. That’s because calcium plaque started accumulating in your arteries as early as your 20th birthday!

Blame it on our modern American diet and sedentary lifestyle.

Even if you’re healthier than most and exercise regularly — you’re still not off the hook.

You may have less calcium in your arteries than the average couch potato. But there’s no mistaking it:

40-year-old arteries contain calcium plaque. 50-year-old arteries have even more. And, by 60… well you get the picture…

Now, everything would be fine if your arteries still looked like this…

…clean and clear so your blood flows freely.

clear artery

But as you get older your arteries start looking more like this… see that yellow lining?

That’s plaque made of calcium deposits mixed with cholesterol and other substances. It sticks like glue to your arteries. And over time that plaque gets thicker and thicker.

clogged artery

As this plaque builds up, it not only narrows the walls of your arteries — it also makes them stiff and rigid.

The more narrow and rigid your arteries get, the harder it is for blood to flow through.

And low blood flow… means NO erections!

That’s because your smallest arteries clog up first.

And I bet you can guess where you can find some of the smallest blood vessels in your body…

For men it’s in your penis. And for women — it’s the labia located just outside the vagina.

During sex, tiny blood vessels in the labia fill with blood — making women more sensitive to stimulation.

And like I just said — when the blood vessels become lined with calcium plaque — whether in the labia OR the penis — blood can’t flow properly.

And low blood flow “down there” — means soft erections and no sexual sensation! That’s why…

…by the time you start having trouble with your sex life — you already have calcium plaque build-up in your blood vessels — including the arteries leading to your heart!

That’s why limp erections are a 4-alarm warning:

You’re heading for a heart or brain catastrophe!

If pieces of that calcium plaque break off and get stuck in clogged arteries… your blood flow comes to a screeching halt.

And if blood flow can’t reach your heart — well, you know what that means!

Feel good? Look good? Don’t be fooled!

Researchers at the Baylor College of Medicine found that almost half of the men at risk for a heart or brain tragedy have NO CLUE they’re in trouble.

Joe was one of those guys… he and his wife of 36 years enjoyed an active sex life (she even bragged about it to her friends!)

Then one night — out of the blue — Joe couldn’t maintain a stiff erection. He chalked it up to the extra drink he had at dinner.

When it happened again — when he hadn’t been drinking — Joe started to worry.

He tried getting extra sleep and even stopped drinking alcohol altogether. But nothing worked… including his penis. Joe could no longer perform in the bedroom.

So, when his wife gently suggested that he see his doctor — Joe reluctantly made the appointment.

little blue pill

And like most doctors, Joe’s gave him a prescription for the “little blue pill.” His doctor never mentioned possible artery or heart trouble. Fact is — most doctors seldom do.

But if you have trouble getting and keeping an erection — like Joe — you could be a walking, ticking time bomb…

just waiting to become a statistic!

Even so, Joe walked out of his doctor’s office with a prescription in hand — and no idea that he could be facing a heart disaster.

Unfortunately, Joe’s story is TOO common!

Joe IS a real person. And while I’ve changed his name and some details to protect his privacy, Joe wanted me to share his story — not because it’s unique… but because it’s so common.

In the U.S., 4 out of 10 men have trouble with erections by age 40. By age 70, that number soars to 7 out of 10 men.

And ALL these men have greater risk for a serious heart or brain problem. So, like I said, Joe’s story isn’t unique. But what is special about his story is that Joe discovered a safe, natural, and simple way to clear calcium deposits out of his arteries…

…to get his blood flowing again… reboot his love life… AND protect his heart at the same time!

And it didn’t require a hospital stay… IVs… or drugs!

It’s a nutrient called Vitamin K2. Ever heard of it? If not, you’re in for an eye-opening discovery.

Vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7)

Vitamin K2 is CRITICAL when it comes to managing calcium in your body. Because here’s the irony…

You need calcium for strong bones — but it’s deadly for your arteries!

You’ve probably heard all your life that you need calcium for strong bones, right? But what you may not know is when calcium gets misdirected and ends up in your arteries — it can narrow your arteries and blood vessels and set you up for a heart disaster!

Researchers call it the “calcium paradox.” That’s because you need calcium for your bones — but if it ends up in your arteries, that calcium can kill you!

If calcium doesn’t belong in your arteries — how did it get there in the first place?

This is where Vitamin K2 comes in. You see, researchers have only recently discovered that Vitamin K2 directs where calcium goes in your body.

It’s like a shuttle service that transports calcium. It can even snatch calcium out of your arteries and put that calcium back in your bones where it belongs!

That’s why Vitamin K2 is the solution to the calcium paradox! But when you’re deficient in Vitamin K2 (and most Americans are) — calcium goes rogue.

It travels through your circulatory system, eventually ending up as plaque on your artery walls and causing hardened arteries. But know this…

Vitamin K2 in NOT ordinary Vitamin K…

Ordinary Vitamin K is the nutrient that tells you blood to clot. It actually keeps you from bleeding to death when you cut your finger.

But Vitamin K2 is very different. Vitamin K2 is a key nutrient that controls how your body uses calcium.

If you’re low on Vitamin K2, the calcium that should be in your bones binds to cholesterol and other substances to thicken and narrow the walls of your arteries…

…then they become calcified and hardened. Calcium can break off and block blood flow! And here’s something else you should know…

Vitamin K2 contains many subtypes from MK-1 through MK‑13…

These subtypes perform many different functions — but without a doubt — the subtype of vitamin K2 you need to get calcium out of your arteries — and back into your bones — is Vitamin K2 as MK-7!

Famous Rotterdam Study uncovers the secret to healthy arteries!

In this well-known study researchers wanted to find out why some people develop serious heart problems and others don’t.

For 10 years, researchers tracked 4,807 men and women — all over the age of 55. These folks lived like lab rats — being poked and prodded for a decade.

The researchers monitored:

And while these volunteers were different in many ways — they all shared ONE thing in common:

The participants who had high Vitamin K2 intake had the lowest levels of calcium in their aortas.

Even better, these folks cut their risk of cardiovascular problems by 50% and their chance of dying from ANYTHING by 2%.

But researchers didn’t stop there. They performed another study five years later. This time, they looked at 16,057 women between 49 and 70 years old.

And, just like the original Rotterdam Study, researchers monitored key factors — especially diet.

woman eating food high in Vitamin K2

After 8 years they found that women eating food high in Vitamin K2 had less cardiovascular problems. And their risk of heart problems dropped by 9% with every 10 mcg of Vitamin K2 they ate.

There’s no doubt, Vitamin K2 can help protect your arteries. Yet researchers still had another question: Can Vitamin K2 protect your arteries from damage and hardening?

YES! Vitamin K2 also keeps arteries FLEXIBLE!

In this eye-opening study, researchers held a clinical trial with 244 postmenopausal women for 3 years. Half the women took 180 mcg of Vitamin K2 as MK-7 every day. The other half took a placebo capsule.

After 3 years, the researchers measured artery stiffness and elasticity using ultrasounds and other tests. The results?

Researchers found that artery stiffness “was significantly less” in women taking Vitamin K2 — while artery stiffness INCREASED in women taking a placebo. And the news gets better!

Tests showed arteries in women taking Vitamin K2 were more elastic. And the longer the women took it — the BETTER Vitamin K2 worked!

Results were clear: Vitamin K2 as MK-7 is insurance for stiff, rigid arteries.

When Joe heard this, he decided to give Vitamin K2 a try. He wanted to get his blood flowing again to his heart and his penis! So… Joe tried this:

The exact form of Vitamin K2 as MK-7 to keep calcium from building up in arteries so it can strengthen your bones — now available in an outstanding heart formula called Peak Cardio Platinum!

Peak Cardio Platinum is a PREMIUM heart formula containing scientifically supported nutrients — in the clinical doses found to be the most effective. In other words…

…when you take the same scientifically tested doses — you too can experience similar results!

Not only does Peak Cardio Platinum contain the right form of Vitamin K2 as MK-7 to help keep calcium deposits out of your arteries and in your bones…

Peak Cardio Platinum also contains amazing nutrients that promote TOTAL cardio health. One of these nutrients actually OPENS your arteries.

Peak Cardio Platinum™ -- Promote TOTAL cardio health

But I’m getting ahead of myself — because that’s Ron’s story…

Ron was at his wits end. Ready to throw in the towel. Fortunately, before he gave up he discovered a breakthrough remedy that changed his life! And let me tell you this…

BOOM! This natural discovery gave Ron an EXPLOSION of health!

For privacy reasons, I’m not using Ron’s real name — but he gave me the OK to share his story. Why? Because he knows your story may be similar.

Perhaps this sounds familiar… you can’t figure out what the heck is wrong with you.

You see your energy… vitality… and BODY PARTS shriveling away. You’re sick and tired of doctors giving you another drug to try — like you’re some darn guinea pig. But nothing seems to work.

And you’re FED UP with emptying your wallet to chase one “miracle” remedy after another. Yet you still feel lousy. This is exactly how Ron felt.

At the young age of 64 — MUTINY struck his body!

Ron had been healthy all his life. He ate whatever he wanted. Stayed active. And seldom took anything more than aspirin. Everything was good — including his sex life. Then, mutiny hit:

Now, this list looks like many health problems, when actually it’s only ONE!

If you go to the doctor with a list of problem like these, you’ll probably get a prescription — or more often — MANY prescriptions.

Blood pressure… cholesterol… and of course… “the little blue pill.” But here’s the thing: These drugs sometimes don’t work! How many times have you taken a prescription for something to only go back to your doctor to find out you still have that same problem... maybe even worse?

That’s because most drugs treat symptoms. It’s like putting lace curtains on the TITANIC! When you dig into the science behind all the symptoms, you find just ONE health problem…

Poor circulation!

blood circulation

When Ron fixed that — all his other problems MAGICALLY disappeared. It’s not surprising when you think about it. Without healthy blood pumping through your veins and arteries…

…delivering vital oxygen and nutrients to your cells, your entire body can break down — practically overnight.

Clearly if you’re a woman… you won’t have problems with erections — but poor circulation means you’re getting less blood flow to your clitoris. That means less interest… sensation… and enjoyment for you too!

And both men and women suffer from circulation problems such as low energy… aching joints… less than healthy cholesterol and blood pressure problems… memory loss and “senior moments.”

Bottom line: If you’re experiencing any of these problems — or if ANY of your body parts aren’t acting right…

They could be STARVING because of low blood flow!

Body parts starving? Absolutely! If blood can’t reach a part of your body — that area is literally starved of oxygen and nutrients.

To solve this, the first thing you need to do is clear plaque out of your arteries — with Vitamin K2. This gives your blood room to move.

But there’s a critical nutrient your body absolutely MUST HAVE to keep blood flowing.

It’s so critical — 3 scientists won the Nobel Prize when they discovered it!

It’s a gas called Nitric Oxide — or “N-O” for short. And it’s a little molecule with the big responsibility of regulating blood flow. N-O is found in almost every animal. It even makes firefly butt’s light up!

The main place where your body makes N-O is in the endothelium — the lining of your arteries. N-O is the mastermind molecule that signals arteries to OPEN to allow blood flow — and then to relax again. That keeps your blood moving.

Science Magazine

It’s so powerful, that without N-O… blood flow is a NO GO! No wonder Science Magazine named N-O “Molecule of the Year.”

And it’s no coincidence that heart problems PEAK around the same time N-O levels PLUMMET!

That’s what can happen if you’re low on N-O. Without N-O, your arteries can’t open. Your blood can’t bring oxygen to your cells. That’s when your cells starve — and die off!

And here’s another potential nail in the coffin… Japanese research shows by your 70th birthday, your N-O production has declined by a whopping 75%!

So how do you get more N‑O?

Unfortunately, you can’t just take a nitric oxide pill. Remember — N-O is a GAS. And it has a lifespan of about 1 second! Plus, your body must create N-O on demand — so it can’t be stored.

However, you CAN give your body the critical raw nutrients it needs to create N-O when needed. And that critical nutrient is called Nitrosigine® — available exclusively in Peak Cardio Platinum.

Nitrosignine® is proprietary nutrient complex with the KEY ingredients to give you the optimum levels of N-O when you need it. And one of those key ingredients is L-Arginine.

L-Arginine is the #1 nutrient for N‑O production

Without a doubt — the most important nutrient your body needs to create optimum levels of N-O is the amino acid called L-Arginine. In fact…

Research shows a whopping 70% of N-O production in the endothelium comes from L-Arginine! So when you have high levels of L-Arginine, your endothelium can quickly convert it to N-0 on demand.

That way, blood vessels can OPEN and relax to pump nutrient rich blood to your heart… lungs… brain… and penis — just to name a few!

But L-Arginine is not enough…

Nitrosigine® also contains an amino acid complex called Arginine silicate to give you even more N-O power. Arginine silicate contains silicon to strengthen artery walls and keep them flexible. This keeps your endothelium healthy and boosts your N-O levels.

So how much N-O boost can you expect?

5X more Nitric Oxide Power in less than 30 minutes!

A recent clinical study on Nitrosigine® simply AMAZED researchers. When men between the ages of 18 to 40 years old took Nitrosigine® for 14 days, they experienced…

With the power of Nitrosigine®

BOOM! You can revive your health and enjoy life again!

Within 30 minutes of taking Nitrosigine® — BOOM! You’ll experience a Nitric Oxide gas explosion that allows healthy blood to flow through your entire body!

By treating the root cause of circulation problems, you can experience…

strong joints and energy

I’ll tell you this…

Peak Cardio Platinum may not be magical — but MIRACULOUS things can happen to your health when you improve your blood flow.

And Ron?

Well, his blood pressure is much better!

Testing showed his arteries were in great shape for his age!


And Ron also says, “I feel much better, clearer thinking, no brain fog at all! Way more energy!’

That’s what happens when you get blood moving again!

And it starts with the Vitamin K2 in Peak Cardio Platinum — to pull calcium plaque out of your arteries — so your blood has room to flow.

Then Peak Cardio Platinum boosts N-O with Nitrosigine®, to open arteries WIDE! That way, your blood keeps flowing — whenever and wherever you need it.

If that was all Peak Cardio Platinum could do it would be worth it’s weight in gold. But this amazing formula does more — MUCH more!

Peak Cardio Platinum contains another remarkable nutrient that keeps your heart and arteries healthy! This powerful nutrient was actually hailed as a 21st century remedy for blood flow.

So, if you’re experiencing…

…you can soon experience the healing power of Nattokinase — in every serving of Peak Cardio Platinum — just like these folks…

Terrance S., Lubbock, TX

“Leg pain and swelling gone!”

*****Verified Purchase

“I have used Peak Cardio Platinum with good results with the elimination of swelling and pain in the lower legs. I recommended this product to my brother who was suffering with the same problem. After his use of Peak Cardio Platinum, he was also feeling better.”

— Terrance S., age 71, Lubbock, TX

Rolland S., Springville, PA

“I walk pain-free again!”

*****Verified Purchase

“Blood flow to my legs became restricted and I started to get calf cramps when walking. My legs swelled up. When I found Peak Cardio Platinum I started taking it right away. In several months my legs were good and I walk daily now without problems.”

— Rolland S., age 68, Springville, PA

I hope now you’re starting to see the truly extraordinary power of Peak Cardio Platinum!

This cutting-edge formula delivers the exceptional nutrients you need to CLEAR calcium plaque out of your arteries — thanks to Vitamin K2…

…to OPEN arteries wide — with the nitric oxide boosters found in Nitrosigine®

…and to BOOST blood flow — and support healthy blood pressure — with Nattokinase! After all…

Clear arteries + Open blood vessels + Free flowing blood = Healthy heart!

That formula alone is a powerful reason to give Peak Cardio Platinum a try. But this revolutionary formula continues to over deliver by giving you much, much more! Because there’s another element essential for healthy heart function.

And if you’re missing this key heart-saver, you can feel exhausted… drained… and even anxious at times.

It’s like an invisible force for sucking energy right out of you!

Let me tell you about Leslie… at age 65 she should have been thrilled to enjoy time with her grandson. Instead she was tired all the time. Her doctor was concerned about her cholesterol and blood pressure.

Walking was hard enough — so playing with her grandson was nearly impossible. Leslie just didn’t feel like she was alive anymore.

Her get up and go — got up and left!

Like many people, Leslie tried to convince herself this was normal for her age. It’s not!

In reality, Leslie was low in one critical nutrient. She just didn’t know it — since most doctors never test for it. And that’s a BIG problem because this alpha nutrient keeps every cell in your body running.

In fact, autopsies on heart patients show low levels of this essential nutrient can put you six feet under! This critical nutrient processes oxygen and vitamins to create ENERGY and LIFE in every cell — ESPECIALLY your heart cells.

It’s been shown this essential nutrient called Coenzyme Q10 — or “CoQ10”…

…can bring a dying heart back to life!

That’s not science fiction. This amazing “energy switch” sparks life to all 100 trillion cells in your body. And hundreds of laboratory and clinical studies show that CoQ10 can help you:

Dead hearts don’t lie:

Low CoQ10 = poor heart = well, you know…

Every single cell in your body relies on CoQ10. But it’s your heart that gobbles up to 10 times more CoQ10 to create energy — more than any organ in your body.

That’s why — after decades of intensive study — noted CoQ10 expert, Dr. Peter Langsjoen, MD at the University of Texas Health Center issued this warning:

It has been well documented from biopsies that the severity of heart failure correlates with the people who have the lowest level of CoQ10.”

So why aren’t ALL doctors making sure their heart patients get CoQ10. The truth is, THEY SHOULD!

Want to see CoQ10 in action? Watch a 6-year-old at play!

All that energy to run… climb… and JUMP comes from CoQ10 power! You had it once, remember?

But your CoQ10 levels start dropping in your 20’s — and keep dropping with every decade. That’s why by the age of 60 — you’re producing a measly 20% of the CoQ10 you did when you were a kid! That’s only a fraction of the CoQ10 your liver… lungs… kidneys… and HEART need for live-giving ENERGY!

More than 1000 trials confirm CoQ10 works!

That’s right — more than 1000 published human and animal trials performed on CoQ10 show this safe, potent nutrient can help you:

Leslie was dragging… But she ignited ENERGY in her cells… And now…

Leslie just didn’t feel like she was alive anymore
Leslie playing with her grandson

Leslie’s blood pressure and cholesterol are back in a range that pleases her doctor. And she told me, “My overall feeling is better. I even started to run for short distances and play with my grandson!”

It’s no secret — and no longer a mystery. Science proves you can rev up your energy and your heart health — with the power of CoQ10. That’s what happened when Leslie discovered Peak Cardio Platinum!

Leslie is a real customer. Someone just like you and me. And you can regain your energy — just like she did — when you get optimum levels of CoQ10 in Peak Cardio Platinum!

With the CoQ10 power generating ENERGY in your cells — you get you heart and your health back. In no time flat, you’ll enjoy…

This happens because Peak Cardio Platinum is a comprehensive heart formula that covers the 4 pillars of heart health:

So please remember this:

If you worry about your blood pressure… low energy… poor circulation… or “skipped” heart beats — you need Peak Cardio Platinum

Peak Cardio Platinum is a premium comprehensive heart formula. That means you get the critical heart nutrients you need for healthy arteries… optimum blood flow… and ENERGY!  For as little as $1 per day!  That’s why Peak Cardio Platinum makes sense for your heart — and your wallet!

And right now — you can try this comprehensive heart formula completely RISK FREE!

I truly believe that FEELING is believing!  That’s why I want YOU to see how good you’ll FEEL when you take Peak Cardio Platinum — without risking a dime!  This comprehensive formula is designed to help:

  • Open arteries and veins!
  • Clear out calcium plaque!
  • Increase blood flow!
  • Keep blood smooth and free of gunk!
  • Rev up energy levels!

And right now is the absolute BEST time to try this advanced heart formula. Here’s why…


Reason #1


First and foremost — your RESULTS are GUARANTEED! You get as long as you need to experience a noticeable and significant improvement in your health — or you PAY NOTHING, no questions asked!  You’re covered by our lifetime money back guarantee. So you’ve got absolutely NOTHING to lose — and a wealth of health is just waiting for you — when you try this amazing formula today!


Reason #2

FREE Shipping!

Peak Pure & Natural® pays for shipping and handling within the United States when you purchase 3 or more bottles!  An $8.95 savings!

The absolute EASIEST decision you can make today!

You have absolutely NOTHING to lose when you give Peak Cardio Platinum a try.

You’ve got my 100% GUARANTEE on that!

When a product works as well as Peak Cardio Platinum — well, it’s a no-brainer to offer the strongest guarantee available. And that’s exactly what you get!  Here it is…

Click Here right now and claim your introductory supply of Peak Cardio Platinum. Now, here’s where this offer is simply UNBEATABLE…

…Use Peak Cardio Platinum FOR AS LONG AS YOU LIKE. You must SEE and FEEL real, significant and dramatic improvements in your health. If you are EVER dissatisfied with your results — just return the bottles — even if you’re down to your very LAST capsule!

Peak Pure & Natural® will promptly refund your entire purchase price — that’s a 100% refund a month… 6 months… or even a YEAR or more after trying Peak Cardio Platinum!

Now you KNOW the easiest and safest way to keep calcium out of your arteries… to open and relax your blood vessels… boost blood flow naturally… and energize your heart and entire body!

In these past few minutes, you’ve discovered how nattokinase — the remarkable Japanese “accidental discovery” can naturally thin your blood and help keep it flowing smoothly throughout your entire body…

…You’ve learned how Nitrosigine® will help you open and relax your arteries for healthy blood flow… and you’ve learned how to ignite boundless ENERGY for your heart — and all 100 trillion cells in your body — thanks to CoQ10!

heart healthy couple

And what’s even better… you can get these powerhouse nutrients — in the optimum clinical doses — in one amazing formula called Peak Cardio Platinum!

That’s why giving Peak Cardio Platinum a try is absolutely the best decision you can make today. You deserve this heart-saving formula. And your loved ones will be thankful that you’re taking care of your health.

So Click Here to claim your introductory supply of Peak Cardio Platinum during this limited time opportunity.

Yours for a heart flowing with energy, love and gratitude,

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Founder, Peak Pure & Natural®

P.S. Try our BEST VALUE Introductory offer and get Peak Cardio Platinum at the absolutely LOWEST price available!  Plus you get FREE shipping within the United States, too!  And remember you’re completely protected by my 100% Complete Lifetime Guarantee of Satisfaction!  But you must hurry — this is a limited time invitation!  Click Here today.


Peak Cardio Platinum
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*FREE US shipping on orders of 3 or more. Canadian orders incur $14.95 S&H. All other International orders incur $24.95 S&H.

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Peak Cardio Platinum (TM) Label  
Leslie H.

“Feeling like my old self”

*****Verified Purchase

“Since I started to take Peak Cardio Platinum, I have stopped taking statins for my blood pressure and my numbers have fallen into an acceptable range. My overall feeling is better and I even started to run for short distances and play with my grandson.”

— Leslie H.

Willie L.

“Love It!”

*****Verified Purchase

Peak Cardio Platinum, what a wonderful product. Keep turning them out.”

— Willie L.

Shirley W.

“Doctor approved”

*****Verified Purchase

“My husband and I both use Cardio Platinum & have had nothing but good results with our doctor’s visits and tests. They’ve told us to continue using your product.”

— Shirley W.

Richard M.

“Pain is finally gone!”

*****Verified Purchase

“Shoulder pain gone — cataracts gone — I take no prescription drugs! 1 ½ years ago I went to Dr. for the first time in 30 years. I’m 70. They prescribed drugs for my shoulder pain — I took none — began Peak Cardio Platinum. I took a few phytonutrients. Stayed on whole food diet. After 3-4 months, shoulder pain was gone, cataracts gone — I feel great. Love your product — thank you so much!!”

— Richard M.

Juan S.

“Very hopeful”

*****Verified Purchase

“I had an open heart surgery 16 years ago. After the surgery I had too many complications with my arteries and some plaque buildup, and I was using too many prescriptions of medicines. After 16 years somehow I discovered your supplement Peak Cardio Platinum. Now I feel better, my blood pressure is normal every time I go to see the doctor, me energy is coming back again, and I feel like I am going to live better in my old age.”

— Juan S.


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