You just can’t “rehydrate” stuck poop! Why drinking more water… coffee… or tea won’t make you “go!” New Discovery Reveals the Real Secret to Releasing Dry… Hard… and Impacted Poop from Your Bowels! No Stress — No Strain. Just Comfortable, Predictable, and Painless Pooping!

Dear Friend,

When you’re doing it right… Pooping is quick — clean — and painless!

You’ll be in-and-out of the bathroom in 5 minutes — tops!

Just sit — do your business — wipe — flush — and you’re done!

happy toilet paper

No need to take the newspaper… a magazine… or even your phone into the bathroom with you. You won’t have time to read them!

In just a minute — I’ll tell you why you don’t want to be sitting “on the throne” for a long time anyway.

But first — I want you to know this…

…If you’re not pooping regularly — you’re putting up with unnecessary and annoying health problems such as…

And I’m sure you know — these problems can be uncomfortable… inconvenient… and down-right EMBARRASSING!

But the real problems from straining to poop can be even scarier:

But this doesn’t have to happen to you!

Virginia Tims-Lawson

My name is Virginia Tims-Lawson. I’m a Specialist in Nutritional Research and Digestive Health. I’ve seen the bad and the ugly sides of uncontrolled constipation — there is no good side. And I want you to know this right now:

Most folks over 50 are suffering needlessly from poor functioning bowels. But — there is a solution — and it really works! So…

I’m going to give it to you straight…

… we’re going to have an adult conversation about the “how’s” — and the “why’s” of pooping.

And yes, I’ll warn you now: I’m going to be getting graphic when needed. And I’m not even going to try to be “politically correct” with my words.

But you can be certain — I’m going to give you REAL answers about how to remedy occasional constipation… diarrhea… and other annoying bowel problems.

But don’t expect to hear from me what you’ve probably heard from everyone else.

I’ll tell you right now — the answer is NOT for you to take more fiber supplements or drink another glass of water!

Surprised? I was too — at first. But when you know…

… WHY you’re straining to pass “rocks” — even though you eat food with added fiber or take fiber supplements…

… WHY you’re still constipated — even if you’re drinking lots of water and…

…WHY it takes you DAYS to “go” — when you’re regularly using probiotics…

…then you’ll know why FIBER AND WATER ARE NOT THE ANSWER to your constipation problem!

Still with me?

Then let’s get started and put an end to the pain and strain of your constipation!

So let me ask you this…

Are you passing hard and dry “rabbit pellets” of poop?

If you are, what are you doing about it? Are you eating more fiber?

I mean, you hear it all the time. Eat fiber to stay regular — and if you’re constipated… you’re supposed to eat MORE fiber, right?


The “Fake News” on fiber…

If you already have a blockage in your bowels — taking fiber supplements to “bulk” up your stool and push it out — just makes the problem worse!

Between the end of your descending colon and your anus is a poop “storage area” called the rectum. The rectum is like an expandable rubber bag that collects your poop until you get the “urge to go.”

At the bottom of your rectum is your anus, only 1.3 inches in diameter — a little smaller than a ping pong ball.

So — when you’re constipated — hard, dry poop has already collected in your rectum. It formed into a lump or stool that is too large to comfortably pass through your anus.

Let’s say what’s collected in your rectum is the size of a golf ball — 1.7 inches in diameter. Passing golf ball size poop through a hole smaller than the size of a ping pong ball is going to hurt like heck.

If you follow the “common sense remedy” — you add more fiber to your diet. The fiber bulks up your poop to the size of a pool cue ball — 2.25 inches. And this “cue ball” gets stuck in your rectum behind the golf ball!

By adding more fiber to your diet — trying to push the FIRST poop out — it makes the poop behind it even harder to get out! OUCH!

The longer this stacked-up blockage stays in your rectum — the harder — and drier — and more painful to pass it gets.

So, when you’re straining to pass bulky stools you over-stretch your small and delicate anus. This often leads to bleeding from small rips in the tissues that surround it. And aggressive straining inflames your hemorrhoids too!

passing a golf ball

In fact, just sitting on the toilet for too long is one of the reasons you get hemorrhoids in the first place! The longer you sit — and the more you push and strain — the more inflamed and swollen your hemorrhoids get. As your tiny 1.3-inch anus gets smaller — your constipation problem gets even WORSE.

You can’t just force stuck poop out by adding more fiber to your diet. When you’re already stopped up — more fiber can cause real damage at the end of the line — like hemorrhoids and anal bleeding!

Cleveland Clinic

When it comes to constipation even the doctors at the Cleveland Clinic say:

“Fiber is not always the answer.”

So now you know — it doesn’t matter how those fiber supplement companies try to spin it… if you’re already constipated, taking fiber supplements can make your constipation worse!

Well — if fiber won’t help — you probably think you need to drink more water, right? Wrong again!

But it’s not your fault. You haven’t been given the whole story!

The truth is: H2O won’t make you GO!

You hear it all the time — if you’re struggling with constipation — the “common sense” remedy is to drink more water.

But did it work? Well, you probably spent a lot more time in the bathroom peeing — but know this…

…you just can’t “rehydrate” stuck poop!


In fact… here’s this from the experts at WebMD “…drinking more liquids does not ‘cure’ constipation.”

Now don’t get me wrong — I’m not telling you to stop drinking water. It’s basic for survival — and necessary for dozens of functions in your body besides pooping.

But drinking more than the recommended 6 to 8 glasses a day — will not make your stool wetter — softer — or even put an end to your constipation!

The truth is no matter how much you drink — water can help prevent constipation. But it doesn’t relieve the problem once you’re plugged up.

Your stomach, small intestine, and colon are designed to extract the water you drink. And they do a great job of soaking it up.

In fact — 90% of anything you drink is absorbed long before it has any chance of reaching the dried poop you’re trying to push out of your rectum.

The reason you want to stay hydrated is so your poop has the right amount of water in it when it enters your colon. You can’t add water to your poop once it’s at the end of your colon and you’re trying to pass it!

Drinking more water may make you even MORE constipated!

happy toilet paper

That’s because when you increase your water consumption you not only pee more — but you also pee out too much potassium!

Potassium is an essential mineral vital for proper muscle contractions. And it’s the muscles of your colon that contract and relax to push the poop from one end to the other.

When your potassium levels are low — the contractions of your colon weaken and slow down. This means it takes longer for poop to pass through your colon. And the longer it takes — the dryer and harder your poop gets.

By the time it reaches your rectum — your poop is a hard lump of waste that’s not soft enough to exit through your anus.

So if it’s NOT eating more fiber — and it’s NOT drinking more water — what do you REALLY need for soft, passable poop?

The REAL remedy for occasional constipation… diarrhea… and other annoying bowel problems is this…

…you’ve got to control “Transit Time.” Transit time determines how easy — or hard — it is for you to poop!

Here’s what’s really going on inside your belly…

What you eat and drink is ground up in your stomach and small intestine where most of the nutrients and water are absorbed.

What comes out of the small intestine is called chyle — (pronounced like “KYLE”). When chyle enters your colon it has the color and consistency of chocolate milk.

Next, your colon squeezes most of the water out of this milky liquid as it’s pushed toward your rectum. An unblocked and healthy colon takes 30 to 40 hours to remove the water — and move the remaining waste — from one end to the other. This is called the transit time.

But — when you pee out too much potassium — your transit time slows to a crawl. And your poop stays in your colon for too long. This makes your colon dehydrate your poop too much — making it hard and difficult to push out.

The time your poop spends in transit determines how easy — or hard — it is for you to poop! It’s really as simple as that!

Healthy vs. Unhealthy Colon and Rectum

That’s why I want to introduce you to a remarkable “Doo It” constipation remedy designed — first and foremost — to get your transit time back on schedule!

The secret to the comfortable… predictable… and painless bowel movements you’re looking for is found in one unique formula called Peak Colon Support.

Now let me tell you this…

… getting your colon’s transit time back on track is just THE BEGINNING of the amazing benefits you’ll experience when you use this remarkable formula.

Peak Colon Support isn’t a laxative — although the all-natural ingredients in this formula will get you going again safely… gently… regularly… and in record time.

And I can assure you… Peak Colon Support is not a fiber formula or just a stool softener!

To really understand the power of Peak Colon Support — you’ve got to know about the all-natural ingredients contained in this formula because they’re responsible for results like this…

Mildred M., TX

Peak Colon Support is the best!

“I can’t tell you how many things I have tried before but, Peak Colon Support is the best. At 84 years old, if colon isn’t working, nothing is.”

Mildred M., TX

That’s because there’s an amazing nutrient found in the Peak Colon Support that really gets things moving as regular as clockwork.

This remarkable nutrient supports your bowel movements like a NASCAR pit crew… you pull in — the crew gets to work — in the blink of an eye you’re done… and out you go.

Well, maybe not THAT fast… the average NASCAR pit stop takes only 12 seconds!

But did you know, when everything is “going” right — it takes most mammals — including humans — between 5 and 17 seconds to poop?

So like I mentioned before — don’t bother taking a magazine, a newspaper, or your phone into the bathroom with you — you won’t have time!

So, what is this amazing nutrient?

Ancient Aloe gel and it naturally…

aloe vera plant

In every serving of Peak Colon Support — you get a potent 200:1 ratio of Ancient Aloe.

A 200:1 ratio means you get the equivalent of 8,000 mg of raw Ancient Aloe powder in each serving. My friend, please understand…

…to get this OPTIMUM dose on your own — you’d have to drink 27 ounces of pure, Ancient Aloe juice every day. That’s more than three 8-oz glasses each and EVERY day!

But — by taking just 2 capsules of Peak Colon Support — you get the optimum dose high potency Ancient Aloe to lubricate your colon and safely clear blocked-up bowels.

This is how William G. from Poughkeepsie, NY explained it…

William G., NY

No more pain or bloating!

“Nothing before these pills did anything for me. Now I have 2 bowel movements a day. No more pain or bloating and I can tell a lot of old fecal matter is being cleaned out. I’m going to stick with Peak Colon Support.”

William G., NY

So — once Ancient Aloe has cleared out your bowels, how do you stay regular and avoid constipation coming back?

Feed the good bacteria in your gut!

You see…

…your gut is swarming with tens of TRILLIONS of bacteria that make up your intestinal flora. And when these bacteria get mixed into the waste in your colon, it makes your poop soft.

The bacteria that make up your intestinal flora outnumber the cells in your body 10 to 1! At any given time there’s 3 to 6 pounds of bacteria in your body. Some bacteria are beneficial and some are bad.

And it’s the balance of good and bad bacteria that keeps your digestion in optimal working order — and allows you to poop regularly — without pain or strain!

The Poop on Probiotics!

The balance of good and bad bacteria keeps your digestion in optimal working order

Known as “good bacteria,” probiotics are living organisms. They’re found in fermented foods like sauerkraut — kimchi — and kombucha tea. Kefir and yogurt are also good sources of healthy probiotics.

You may also be taking probiotic supplements to boost your levels of beneficial bacteria for digestion and bowel health. But — there’s a big problem the probiotic manufacturers are hiding about their supplements…

Billions of probiotics die before getting to the store shelf…

…and BILLIONS more are DEAD ON ARRIVAL in your gut!

Probiotic supplements may claim to contain 10… 20… 30 billion — or more — Colony-Forming Units (CFUs) in every serving. But the truth is that’s nowhere near the amount you get when you take them!

In fact, you may be getting little — to NONE — of these probiotics in your gut! That’s because probiotics are extremely delicate. They can be destroyed even before you take them.

And once you take them — probiotics can be weakened or damaged even more.

So instead of taking probiotic supplements — hoping to get beneficial bacteria into your gut… a much better way is to feed and grow more of the probiotics already in your body! And you do that with…


I like to think of it this way… probiotics are like Popeye and prebiotics are like spinach!

Just like spinach is the super food that makes Popeye strong — think of prebiotics as the super nutritious food probiotics need to get strong and thrive on them.

And when the probiotics in your gut are strong and healthy — it’s easier to poop. With just the right amount of probiotics — your poop will be soft and just the right size!

Inulin is the “meal of choice” for the probiotics in your colon!

However — most people simply don’t eat enough of the foods that contain a rich source of Inulin… when was the last time your dinner plate was full of chicory root… Jerusalem artichoke… raw garlic… or leeks?

But here’s the good news… Peak Colon Support delivers the optimum nutritious dose of Inulin to feed your probiotics! And that means regular… soft… and passable-without-pain poop for YOU!

Just like the kind that Pamelia C. from Bellingham, Washington is experiencing…

Pamelia C., WA

Helped me with regularity and straining

Peak Colon Support has helped me with regularity and straining. I have to take medicine and one of the side effects is constipation. Peak Colon Support helps to alleviate this condition.”

Pamelia C., WA

And here’s another way Peak Colon Support can help you poop …

For hundreds of years, Native Americans have relied on this “Sacred Bark” to massage their bowels and stimulate the “urge” to go.

Today, clinical researchers have discovered what makes this “Sacred Bark” such a powerful bowel mover. It’s called Cascara sagrada — and it contains anthraquinones (pronounced: an-THRAH-kwee-nones).

American Botanical Council

According to the American Botanical Council — natural anthraquinones trigger normal bowel contractions. That’s what makes you want to go.

And here’s the real benefit of cascara sagrada…

Cascara sagrada is known as the gentlest and safest of the natural laxatives available in herbal medicine. This is especially important if you’re older or recently underwent surgery!

Peak Colon Support contains 85 mg — the optimal dose — of this Native American bowel wonder to help keep your bowels moving regularly.

And for your peace of mind — please know this…


…the European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy — which is like an FDA for herbs and natural remedies in Europe — approved the use of cascara sagrada bark for constipation.

And Peak Colon Support contains even more powerful nutrients for healthy, regular bowel support. In every serving you also get…

If you’ve struggled with sluggish bowels for YEARS… or you’re recovering from surgery… or you’re on bedrest — you’ve got to pamper your bowels until they can “push things through” again on their own.

That’s why Peak Colon Support includes a pair of gentle “poop pushers” — natural ingredients to move the poop in your colon from one end to the other.

senna leaf

Senna Leaf Extract signals the muscles of your colon to contract and relax — while pushing stool through your colon.

Senna Leaf Extract is an FDA approved — over-the-counter — nonprescription remedy that’s safe for adults and children ages 2 years and older.

The second bowel reviver is potassium. This mineral is vital to activate muscle contractions. Potassium tells your colon to push when it gets the signal from Senna Leaf Extract.

Peak Colon Support delivers precisely measured doses of Senna Leaf Extract and potassium to gently stimulate your bowels and get them moving again!

When your colon’s inflamed — its inner lining becomes red, swollen, and sore — like a skinned knee.

You might be surprised to learn that everyday foods like white rice… pasta… bread… sugar… soft drinks… and processed foods of all kinds contribute to colon inflammation.

But it doesn’t stop there. Trans-fats like the hydrogenated oils used in margarine… fried foods… potato chips… microwave popcorn… and baked goods of all kinds contribute to gut inflammation too.

Even the meats we eat that are fed genetically modified grains — antibiotics — and hormones — trigger inflammation.

slippery elm bark

But — thanks to the healing gel harvested from the inner bark of the Slippery Elm tree — you’ve got a natural firehose to douse those flames!

Slippery Elm is a centuries old traditional remedy — used to this day in Native American medicine — to treat gastrointestinal ailments.

Slippery Elm is a soluble fiber known as mucilage. It forms a gel-like paste that coats the inner lining of your colon. This gel provides soothing relief from the pain caused by inflammation. And it has been shown to help reduce anal swelling — a Godsend for hemorrhoid sufferers.

Please don’t think parasites are just a problem in third world countries. They’re here in the USA too. And they’ll invade the environment found in poorly functioning bowels in a heartbeat!

Black walnut hull destroys parasites AND their eggs! Studies show this amazing nutrient can even deliver a knock-out punch to hard-to-kill tapeworms!

Now you know how this one-of-a-kind formula helps you have gentle, complete, and predictable bowel movements!

Here’s some more of what our “regular” customers have to say about Peak Colon Support

Their bowels said, “NO GO” Before They Tried Peak Colon Support — Now it’s GO… GO… GO!

Marilee B., CO

Peak Colon Support has helped me immensely

*****  Verified Purchase

“I want to express my joy and relief for your wonderful Peak Colon Support. Having given birth to four children well over 9 pounds, each having some complications, I had some real difficulty with moving my bowels. Peak Colon Support helped me immensely. Thank you so much.”

Marilee B., CO

Michael L., IN

Works as promised!

*****  Verified Purchase

Peak Colon Support performs as advertised and has provided me with complete strain relief and better regularity.”

Michael L., IN

Geraldine B., MO

Just one before bedtime gets the job done!

*****  Verified Purchase

“I like Peak Colon Support very much. I have always had constipation and I just take one capsule before bedtime, now that’s all I need.”

Geraldine B., MO

Joseph R, TX

Made my BMs more comfortable!

*****  Verified Purchase

“Every time I had to “go” I would sit on the toilet for a long period of time forcing myself to go. My waste was too big to get rid of and I was always in pain, so I tried and it worked. It broke down the waste and now I have no more problems.”

Joseph R, TX

Jon F., IL

Keeping me regular for years!

*****  Verified Purchase

“This product has been keeping me regular for several years. I used to have hard bowel movements and constipation — but no more.”

Jon F., IL

Mary B., CO

Daily relief!

*****  Verified Purchase

“My favorite product is Peak Colon Support. It relieves a very uncomfortable problem. I use it daily. Thank you for this formula.”

Mary B., CO

Teresa B., CA

Works like a charm!

*****  Verified Purchase

Peak Colon Support works like a charm. I am very pleased, will continue using it”

Teresa B., CA

Cynthia R., ID

Finally back to regular bowel movements!

*****  Verified Purchase

“I started taking Peak Colon Support — and after 1-2 weeks I was back to regular movements without the cramps and painful pushing. I have regular movements pain-free thanks to Peak Colon Support.”

Cynthia R., ID

Sue G., NY

Consistently works!

*****  Verified Purchase

“I’ve tried so many different products without success. Peak Colon Support is the only one that consistently works for me.”

Sue G., NY

Barbara D., UT

Just as advertised!

*****  Verified Purchase

“Due to surgery I had constipation. OTC medications have helped the pain but also cause constipation. Have tried laxative, fiber, extra water, etc. This went on for two years. Peak Colon Support works for me. Wonderful!! Regular, no strain — just what you advertised and that’s amazing. Thank you”

Barbara D., UT

Dr. S. B., CA

Doctor recommended!

*****  Verified Purchase

“My husband and I have taken Peak Colon Support for the last three months. We are very satisfied and have ordered a 12-month supply. We have recommended your formula to our friends.”

Dr. S. B., CA


Poop as easy as you Pee — or its FREE!

When you try Peak Colon Support — you’ll experience comfortable… predictable… and painless bowel movements — or you PAY NOTHING.

You must be TOTALLY SATISFIED — or you get a 100% refund on your purchase price.

No small print — no “stall tactics” — and no questions asked.

I think that’s fair, don’t you?

And right now is absolutely the BEST time to try Peak Colon Support.

Here are 3 BIG reasons why…

Reason #1

Your personal results are 100% GUARANTEED!

You MUST be convinced Peak Colon Support is working for you each and every day — or you pay nothing! And please know this:

100% Money Back Guarantee

There’s no 30… 60… or even 90-day satisfaction deadline!


You can take as long as you need to make sure Peak Colon Support is delivering the goods! When you think about it…

…you’ll want healthy bowel movements every day for the rest of your life. So it just makes sense that you have a lifetime guarantee to SEE and FEEL your results regularly, right?

So — if for any reason — or at any time — you’re not delighted with your pooping experience — you get a 100% refund of your purchase price!

No questions asked. No ifs… ands… or “butts” about it!

Just return your bottle(s) — even if you’re down to your very last capsule — and you get your money back!

Reason #2

During this special introductory offer, you save over $53 on your introductory supply of Peak Colon Support.

That’s right! You get Ancient Aloe, Inulin, Cascara sagrada, Senna Leaf Extract, Potassium, Slippery Elm and Black walnut hull… the 7 best natural colon supporters to get your bowels moving again all combined in one affordable, easy-to-take, high quality formula…

…for the absolute LOWEST price available during this introductory period! If just doesn’t get any easier to get clockwork elimination than this.

You never have to worry about running out and better yet… you’ll have a supply of Peak Colon Support to share with your spouse, family and friends!

Reason #3

…This gift lets you keep cash in your pockets…

FREE Shipping!*

For a limited time — you also get FREE SHIPPING! — An $8.95 savings!

Normally, shipping and handling costs $8.95 — but when you order 3 or more bottles of Peak Colon Support — you can keep that money right in your pocket! That’s because you get FREE shipping and handling! Click Here to claim your introductory supply today!

The absolute EASIEST decision you can make today!

You have absolutely NOTHING to lose when you give Peak Colon Support a try.

You’ve got my 100% GUARANTEE on that!

The truth will set your bowels free!

What you’ve just discovered may go against the grain of “popular” or “common sense” remedies for constipation… diarrhea… and bowel problems — but… now you know the truth…

And most importantly — now you KNOW there’s an all-natural, safe, bowel mover — called Peak Colon Support — that can safely and predictably help you experience healthy… painless… and regular bowel movements… prevent the straining that causes hemorrhoids… and help you poop as easily as you pee!

So now — you’ve just got ONE decision to make…

Do you stick with temporary “remedies” that may be giving you temporary relief — but may also set you up for more serious bowel problems in the future…

…or say “yes” to Peak Colon Support and get REAL, genuine and long-term relief — starting NOW?

It’s a very simple decision. You have absolutely nothing to lose when you say “yes” to sample this amazing formula.

So Click Here to claim your introductory supply of Peak Colon Support

Yours for vibrant health and vitality!
Virginia Tims-Lawson
Virginia Tims-Lawson
Founder, Peak Pure & Natural®

P.S. Please remember: Colon health is the KEY to immune health. Don’t settle for irregular or painful bowel movements. Now that you know about Peak Colon Support — take advantage of the absolutely LOWEST price available Best Deal offer!

Plus you can get FREE shipping within the United States, too!  And remember you’re completely protected by my 100% Complete Lifetime Guarantee of Satisfaction!  But you must hurry — this is a limited time invitation! Click Here today.


Peak Colon Support

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Yes,I want to “GO” without pain or strain — and experience regular bowel movements again. Please rush me my order of Peak Colon Support! I know I am fully protected by your 100% LIFETIME Guarantee. If for any reason — or any time — I’m not completely thrilled with my results — I can cancel and receive a full refund!


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Allan H., WA

Wow! Peak Colon Support is fantastic!

*****  Verified Purchase

“I’d been using another colon product for several years. I received your advertisement and thought I would give it a try. I ordered six bottles. After the first bottle, Wow! It is fantastic. I just ordered a year supply. My wife also decided to use it. Thanks for great product.”

Allan H., WA

Gonzalo P., FL

What a relief! I highly recommend it!

*****  Verified Purchase

“I have tried different colon cleanses for my constipation. What a relief to have your superior formula. So, I’ll highly recommend Peak Colon Support to my friends and they will be so happy too. (I know they will.)”

Gonzalo P., FL

Jerry K., SD

Works just like you said!

*****  Verified Purchase

“Very pleased! Works just like you said. My wife is very pleased also. Tried many different OTC supplements and nothing has ever worked like Peak Colon Support.”

Jerry K., SD

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