Joe Biden, as usual, was an incoherent mess when he delivered a speech on “Bidenomics”, Tuesday, in Milwaukee. He got confused, did some creepy whispering, and told several falsehoods that were debunked for good measure.

Biden had repeated the same fake story over and over about the Amtrak conductor, who told him, during his tenure as Vice President, that he accumulated millions of miles traveling on Air Force 2 or Amtrak. This story is not true.

Fact-checkers are not addressing the collapse of the bridge in Pittsburgh, which occurred on January 20, 2022. Many of you will remember that Biden was in Pittsburgh on January 20, 2022, to promote infrastructure and the “Build Back Better package”.

The Fern Hollow Bridge collapsed several hours before his arrival, injuring 10 people. Biden visited this site as part of his visit, but he wasn’t there when the bridge collapsed.

Biden’s story in Milwaukee was not based on the actual events.

Pittsburgh, by the way, is the city that bridges. “Pittsburgh has more bridges than any other American city,” he said during his speech.

“I watched that bridge collapse. I got there and saw it collapse with over 200 feet off the ground going over a valley. It collapsed,” Biden also proclaimed. “Thank God school was out.”


He did not mention that the bridge collapsed at around 6:45 in the morning. Biden wasn’t due to arrive that afternoon. NPR has a report about what happened.

A snow-covered Pittsburgh bridge collapsed at dawn on Friday morning, just hours before Biden was scheduled to visit the city and highlight his efforts to improve infrastructure.

Biden visited the site of Friday’s collapse. “I have been coming to Pittsburgh for a long time,” said Biden of the city’s 446 bridges. “And we are going to fix all of them,” he said.

Port Authority spokesperson Adam Brandolph said to NPR that at 6:45 am, the bus began to fall. The operator and two passengers were able to get off safely.

The Associated Press reported that Biden struggled even to see the little bit he had while he visited the site.

Biden, standing in front of concrete barriers covered with yellow police tape and smelling gas from an adjacent leak, craned his neck out to see the vast expanse that the bridge had left behind.

Biden, therefore, did not witness the collapse of the bridge. He was unable to see anything after the collapse.

Biden’s blatant lies about the tragic events in Pittsburgh are not new.

Biden stated in September 2021 that he visited the Tree of Life Synagogue after the October 27, 2018 mass shooting where 11 people were killed by a white supremacist nutjob.

According to the executive director of the synagogue, Biden visited the synagogue – neither before nor after the mass shooting:

Biden gave a 16-minute virtual address before the Jewish holidays Rosh Hashanah (October 1) and Yom Kippur (October 2).

Barb Feige of Tree of Life said that Biden has not visited the synagogue for nearly three years after the anti-Semitic assault.

In a telephone interview, Feige (executive director since July 2019) said that Biden did not visit the country, even when he was a lesser-known former vice president, and then Democratic presidential candidate.

I have said it before: I know that very few politicians have not embellished or made up a story to make themselves seem more appealing to voters. But the fact that Joe Biden is doing this so frequently speaks to something much more serious. It’s something that so-called fact checkers should pay attention to, but they don’t, because Orange Man Bad, or whatever.